Source code for pyESD.teleconnections

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Mar 14 16:58:59 2022

@author: dboateng

# import modules 
import os 
import sys
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd 
from eofs.xarray import Eof 
from sklearn import decomposition
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature 
from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LATITUDE_FORMATTER, LONGITUDE_FORMATTER
from cartopy.util import add_cyclic_point

    from .Predictor_Base import Predictor
    from .ESD_utils import map_to_xarray
    from Predictor_Base import Predictor
    from ESD_utils import map_to_xarray

[docs]def eof_analysis(data, neofs, method="eof_package", apply_equal_wtgs=True, pcscaling=1): if hasattr(data, "longitude"): data = data.rename({"longitude":"lon", "latitude":"lat"}) if apply_equal_wtgs == True: wtgs = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.cos( * np.pi / 180))) data = data * wtgs if True in data.isnull(): data = data.dropna(dim="time") if method == "eof_package": print("The EoF Package implementation of EOF analysis is used! for the teleconnections") solver = Eof(data) eofs_cov = solver.eofsAsCovariance(neofs=neofs, pcscaling=pcscaling) eofs_cov = eofs_cov.sortby(eofs_cov.lon) pcs = solver.pcs(pcscaling=pcscaling, npcs=neofs) elif method == "sklearn_package": print("The sklearn implementation of EOF analysis is used! for the teleconnections") time_mean = data.mean(dim="time") deviations = data - time_mean pcs = np.empty(neofs) PCA = decomposition.PCA(n_components=neofs) X = np.reshape(deviations.values, (len(data.time), time_mean.size)) shape = [neofs] + list(np.shape(time_mean)) np_eofs = np.reshape(PCA.components_, shape) pcs = PCA.explained_variance_ ls_eofs= [] for i in range(neofs): ls_eofs.append(map_to_xarray(X=np_eofs[i, ...], datarray=data)) eofs_cov = xr.concat(ls_eofs, pd.Index(range(1, neofs+1), name="eof_number")) #eofs_cov = eofs_cov.sortby(eofs_cov.lon) else: raise ValueError("Define the method or defaut of EOF package is used") if apply_equal_wtgs == True: return eofs_cov, pcs, wtgs else: return eofs_cov, pcs
[docs]def extract_region(data, datarange, varname, minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon): data = data.get(varname).sel(time=datarange) if hasattr(data, "longitude"): data = data.rename({"longitude":"lon", "latitude":"lat"}) #data = data.assign_coords({"lon": (((data.lon + 180) % 360) - 180)}) data = data.where(( >=minlat) & ( <=maxlat), drop=True) data = data.where((data.lon >=minlon) & (data.lon <= maxlon), drop=True) return data
# implementation of MEI (not tested)
[docs]class MEI(Predictor): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(name="MEI", longname= "Multivariate ENSO Index", **kwargs) self.variables = ["t2m", "msl", "u10", "v10", "sst"] # replace temperature with outgoing long wave radiation! def _generate(self, datarange, dataset, fit, patterns_from, params_from): if hasattr(dataset, "expver"): data = dataset.drop("expver") bi_monthly={} params = self.params[params_from] if fit: params["nonan_indices"] = {} for v in self.variables: # load data and restrict to area of interest da = dataset.get(v) da = da.sel(time=datarange) da = da.where((da.latitude <= 30) & (da.latitude >= -30) & (da.longitude <= 100) & (da.longitude >= -70), drop=True) # multiply by area weight (cos(lat)) -check if needed here da *= np.sqrt(np.cos(da.latitude*np.pi/180)) if hasattr(da, "longitude"): da = da.rename({"longitude":"lon", "latitude":"lat"}) # stack into one vector stacked = da.stack(z=['lat', 'lon']) if fit: # get the indices with non-nan entries (only relevant for sst) params["nonan_indices"][v] = np.where(~np.isnan(stacked.isel(time=0)))[0] stacked = stacked.isel(z=params["nonan_indices"][v]) # get bimonthly season values b = stacked.rolling(time=2).mean() b[0,:] = stacked[0,:] # the first bimonthly season consist of only the first month bi_monthly[v] = b # this assumes that all dataarrays have the same time axis month = da.time.values.astype('datetime64[M]').astype(int) % 12 # find EOF pattern for each bimonthly window if fit: self.patterns[] = {} self.patterns[]['eofs'] = [] params["timeseries_means"] = {} params["timeseries_stds"] = {} mei = np.empty(len(month)) for i in range(12): this_month = np.where(month == i)[0] normalized = [] for v in bi_monthly: # select months ts = bi_monthly[v].isel(time=this_month) # normalize if fit: params["timeseries_means"][v] = ts.mean(dim='time') params["timeseries_stds"][v] = ts.std(dim='time') ts -= params["timeseries_means"][v] ts /= params["timeseries_stds"][v] normalized.append(ts) vector = xr.concat(normalized, dim='z') if fit: eof, _ = eof_analysis(data=vector, neofs=1, method="sklearn_package", apply_equal_wtgs=False) eof1 = eof.sel(eof_number=1) # this guarantees that the EOFs of the different months have # the same direction if i != 0: if, eof1) < 0: eof *= -1 else: eof1 = eof self.patterns[]['eofs'].append(eof) index =, self.patterns[patterns_from]['eofs'][i].squeeze()) mei[this_month] = index # the standard deviation that is used to normalize the index should be the same as the one # found when constructing the patterns, that's why it's stored together with the patterns if fit: self.patterns[]['std'] = np.std(mei) mei /= self.patterns[patterns_from]['std'] mei_series = pd.Series(data=mei, name='MEI', index=da.time.values) return mei_series
[docs]class NAO(Predictor): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(name="NAO", longname= "North Atlantic Oscilation", **kwargs) def _generate(self, datarange, dataset, fit, patterns_from, params_from): if hasattr(dataset, "expver"): data = dataset.drop("expver") params = self.params[params_from] data = extract_region(dataset, datarange, varname="msl", minlat=20, maxlat=80, minlon=-80, maxlon=60) # removing monthly cycle group = data.groupby("time.month") if fit: params["monthly_means"] = group.mean(dim="time") anomalies = group.apply( lambda x: x - params["monthly_means"].sel(month=_get_month(x[0].time.values)) ) params["monthly_means"] = group.mean(dim="time") #anomalies = group - params["monthly_means"] anomalies = anomalies.drop("month") if fit: params["std_field"] = anomalies.std(dim="time") anomalies /= params["std_field"] area_weighted = anomalies * np.sqrt(np.abs(np.cos(*np.pi/180))) method_name = "eof_package" if fit: self.patterns[] = {} eofs, pcs, wtgs = eof_analysis(data=anomalies, neofs=1, method=method_name, apply_equal_wtgs=True, pcscaling=0) if hasattr(eofs, "eof_number"): self.patterns[]["eof"] = eofs.sel(eof_number=1) else: self.patterns[]["eof"] = eofs.sel(mode=0) if method_name == "sklearn_package": nao = (self.patterns[patterns_from]["eof"] * area_weighted).sum(dim=("lat", "lon")) else: nao = pcs.sel(mode=0) = "NAO" if fit: self.patterns[]["std"] = nao.std() nao /= self.patterns[patterns_from]["std"] nao_series = nao.to_series() return nao_series
[docs] def plot_cov_matrix(ax=None): pass
[docs]class EA(Predictor): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(name="EA", longname= "East Atlantic Oscilation", **kwargs) def _generate(self, datarange, dataset, fit, patterns_from, params_from): if hasattr(dataset, "expver"): data = dataset.drop("expver") params = self.params[params_from] data = extract_region(dataset, datarange, varname="msl", minlat=20, maxlat=80, minlon=-80, maxlon=60) # removing monthly cycle group = data.groupby("time.month") if fit: params["monthly_means"] = group.mean(dim="time") anomalies = group.apply( lambda x: x - params["monthly_means"].sel(month=_get_month(x[0].time.values)) ) params["monthly_means"] = group.mean(dim="time") #anomalies = group - params["monthly_means"] anomalies = anomalies.drop("month") if fit: params["std_field"] = anomalies.std(dim="time") anomalies /= params["std_field"] area_weighted = anomalies * np.sqrt(np.abs(np.cos(*np.pi/180))) method_name = "eof_package" if fit: self.patterns[] = {} eofs, pcs, wtgs = eof_analysis(data=anomalies, neofs=2, method=method_name, apply_equal_wtgs=True, pcscaling=0) if hasattr(eofs, "eof_number"): self.patterns[]["eof"] = eofs.sel(eof_number=2) else: self.patterns[]["eof"] = eofs.sel(mode=1) if method_name == "sklearn_package": ea = (self.patterns[patterns_from]["eof"] * area_weighted).sum(dim=("lat", "lon")) else: ea = pcs.sel(mode=1) = "EA" if fit: self.patterns[]["std"] = ea.std() ea /= self.patterns[patterns_from]["std"] ea_series = ea.to_series() return ea_series
[docs] def plot_cov_matrix(ax=None): pass
[docs]class SCAN(Predictor): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(name="SCAN", longname= "Scandinavian Oscilation", **kwargs) def _generate(self, datarange, dataset, fit, patterns_from, params_from): if hasattr(dataset, "expver"): data = dataset.drop("expver") params = self.params[params_from] data = extract_region(dataset, datarange, varname="msl", minlat=20, maxlat=80, minlon=-80, maxlon=60) # removing monthly cycle group = data.groupby("time.month") if fit: params["monthly_means"] = group.mean(dim="time") anomalies = group.apply( lambda x: x - params["monthly_means"].sel(month=_get_month(x[0].time.values)) ) params["monthly_means"] = group.mean(dim="time") #anomalies = group - params["monthly_means"] anomalies = anomalies.drop("month") if fit: params["std_field"] = anomalies.std(dim="time") anomalies /= params["std_field"] area_weighted = anomalies * np.sqrt(np.abs(np.cos(*np.pi/180))) method_name = "sklearn_package" if fit: self.patterns[] = {} eofs, pcs, wtgs = eof_analysis(data=anomalies, neofs=3, method=method_name, apply_equal_wtgs=True, pcscaling=0) if hasattr(eofs, "eof_number"): self.patterns[]["eof"] = eofs.sel(eof_number=3) else: self.patterns[]["eof"] = eofs.sel(mode=2) if method_name == "sklearn_package": scan = (self.patterns[patterns_from]["eof"] * area_weighted).sum(dim=("lat", "lon")) else: scan = pcs.sel(mode=2) = "SCAN" if fit: self.patterns[]["std"] = scan.std() scan /= self.patterns[patterns_from]["std"] scan_series = scan.to_series() return scan_series
[docs] def plot_cov_matrix(ax=None): pass
[docs]class EAWR(Predictor): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(name="EAWR", longname= "East Atlantic_West Russian Oscilation", **kwargs) def _generate(self, datarange, dataset, fit, patterns_from, params_from): if hasattr(dataset, "expver"): data = dataset.drop("expver") params = self.params[params_from] data = extract_region(dataset, datarange, varname="msl", minlat=20, maxlat=80, minlon=-80, maxlon=60) # removing monthly cycle group = data.groupby("time.month") if fit: params["monthly_means"] = group.mean(dim="time") anomalies = group.apply( lambda x: x - params["monthly_means"].sel(month=_get_month(x[0].time.values)) ) params["monthly_means"] = group.mean(dim="time") #anomalies = group - params["monthly_means"] anomalies = anomalies.drop("month") if fit: params["std_field"] = anomalies.std(dim="time") anomalies /= params["std_field"] area_weighted = anomalies * np.sqrt(np.abs(np.cos(*np.pi/180))) method_name = "sklearn_package" if fit: self.patterns[] = {} eofs, pcs, wtgs = eof_analysis(data=anomalies, neofs=4, method=method_name, apply_equal_wtgs=True, pcscaling=0) if hasattr(eofs, "eof_number"): self.patterns[]["eof"] = eofs.sel(eof_number=4) else: self.patterns[]["eof"] = eofs.sel(mode=3) if method_name == "sklearn_package": ea_wr = (self.patterns[patterns_from]["eof"] * area_weighted).sum(dim=("lat", "lon")) else: ea_wr = pcs.sel(mode=3) = "EAWR" if fit: self.patterns[]["std"] = ea_wr.std() ea_wr /= self.patterns[patterns_from]["std"] ea_wr_series = ea_wr.to_series() return ea_wr_series
[docs] def plot_cov_matrix(ax=None): pass
[docs]def _get_month(npdatetime64): """ Returns the month for a given npdatetime64 object, 1 for January, 2 for February, ... """ month = npdatetime64.astype('datetime64[M]').astype(int) % 12 + 1 return month